Post by helena on Sept 12, 2006 7:10:28 GMT
When we are on to the subject,anybody got stories were their boebroel actually protected them,chased away theieves and so on?
I have one. I once had a brindle female boebroel called Natt.She was a nervous dog.Always made an insecure impression when she met people.If they were a little afraid of her she picked that up and liked to scare them by growling at them. She was jumpy,a sudden noise could make her fly. She loved me and saw the world as a fearful place.
Anyway.I was taking my walk,it was about 5 in the afternoon,it was summer.We were alone. Suddenly i see an individual coming from the other side.He seem weird,walking slowly waving his hands in the air. "On drugs"- i thought. He went down a little hill,but suddenly saw me and turned and came towards me. Natt did not see him,she was sniffing in some bushes.When he was about 2 meters from me i took a step back.That is when my dog spotted him. With a roar,started with a growl that came from deep in her stomache escalated to a roar ,( i have never heard a dog sound like that,before and after this day)she went for him,no hesitation. She had the intetion to bite him in the stomache,but i held on the leash. He turned and walked slowly the other way. Poor Natt,her hind legs were shaking,my hands were shaking.But i am very thankful i had her with me that day.She loved me so much she did anything for me,that poor dog. The person ,i was later told,was a common drugaddict,that also sold drugs.
Another time,same summer actually,i had gone to bed for the evening.My balconydoor was open a bit because it was so hot outside.We lived at the first floor. I was awakened by the dogs,Natt=growling and Deedee=barking .I thought they heard someone walk outside,they did this sometimes,told both dogs to shut up,and went back to sleep. I was awakened in the morning.it was a bit cold.Then i noticed the door,standing wideopen. This door could not open from the inside,someone had pushed it from the outside,trying to get in. With the two dogs inside,the person seemed to change his mind about coming in.
Post by buliebuse on Sept 12, 2006 7:29:41 GMT
Who could blame them for thinking twice ? They were really nice stories Ju
Post by buliebuse on Sept 12, 2006 7:44:12 GMT
This doesn't really 'rate' under protection but it was an interesting response by Buse last night. She let herself out to the garden & started barking & barking then immediately came into us barked at us & went back out again , this procedure was then repeated until we went with her into the back garden. A Hedgehog ! Buse wouldn't attack it but wanted us to know there was something there which she didn't know what it was. I picked it up (with gloves ) very carefully & took it round to a local field where dogs etc are not allowed. Whilst I was waiting for it to uncurl behind me came another hedgehog - so I'm hoping it was a friend . Interestingly I think a lady posted or asked the question about Rotties V BBs re intelligence. With my rottie , where I used to live we always had visiting hedgehogs & Rio would always try to attack - ending up with a very painful nose & paws. So I would say just in my own experience of these specific 2 dogs the Rottie was stupid but fearless without the real muscle or eagerness to challenge when cornered. Buse on the otherhand will think first & then if she decides there is a real threat will go for it in her own clumsy way etc Ju
Post by bakkies on Sept 12, 2006 9:09:40 GMT
Oh, then Bakkies is stupid and fearless, he kills them We had a painter here. Bakkies had a close eye on him and watched every move he did. After some time I heared him scream "Put that dog away!!" and I went over to see waht has happened. Bakkies was starrieng at this guy, he had his hands high up in the air and was standing at a wall. I called Bakkies and asked him what went wrong. "Well, I just had to get new painting and wnt into the house again!" Yes, but without me and without my permission.
Post by buliebuse on Sept 12, 2006 9:23:58 GMT
Hi Meike I'm sure Bakkies isn't stupid etc - its just that was typical of how Rio use to be in that she never seemed to grasp what was right & what was wrong Has the painter been back since ? I think Buse would probably react in the same way - shall let you know later in the year as we're due to have some work done in the house. I think its also good in that particularly ,with this hot weather etc we have had quite a few instances of people coming into house etc to steal whilst the owners are in ,but in the back garden - I don't think they'd get very far with Buse around ! Ju
Post by sandaharr on Sept 12, 2006 9:39:18 GMT
Everybody that knows and has met Razzy will tell you that she is a fantastically friendly dog with everybody she is introduced too. There are 2 people she just doesn't like though,one is a person called Susan and the other is a cousin of my hubby. When these people visit(admittedly not often!!) Raz will position herself so that they are not out of her line of vision.When we go out the room,Raz moves directly in front of them and won't let them move out of the room.Now,I don't know what this behaviour is all about but it is very clear that she does not trust these 2 people.She has never growled or shown teeth etc,but just makes her presence very obvious whenever I leave the room.I don't know what has happened in the past with these people to make Razzy so distrustful but she doesn't act like that for no reason. Any thoughts?
Post by buliebuse on Sept 12, 2006 10:18:57 GMT
Hi Sandra Are both the people concerned females ? Do they both have dogs or are they slightly nervous? Buse will very often try to act 'dominant' when a slightly nervous new person comes round by sitting with her weight against their legs - as much as to say you're not going anywhere.Not being in anyway agressive , just wanting them to know shes there. Also & this is a delicate subject to bring up - when a lady who knows Buse well came round one day , Buse reacted very oddly. She wouldn't settle. This happened with another female friend of mine at one time. Clive & I were trying to think why? Luckily I know both ladies well & asked if on those occasions were they 'in season' - Yes was the answer from both? This probably hasn't helped at all - but I do try my best Ju
Post by sandaharr on Sept 12, 2006 10:24:46 GMT
No,one is a very tall,heavy male and the other is well used to dominant dogs,having had akitas.When I say she sits in front of them,that is exactly what she does,sits 2 feet away and stares at them,eyeball to eyeball.I imagine it is very disconcerting so we put her in kitchen until they are away.I wonder if she sees them as a personal threat to me in some way?
Post by boerhunter77 on Sept 12, 2006 11:52:23 GMT
Saint once protected me. I was in the park in the evening smoking a cigar + Saint/Oscar were off playing a couple of hundred yards away. It was winter time so rather dark. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I noticed saint stop playing then turn to me aggressively for a moment before sprinting at me at an astonishing speed. I thought he was going to charge me as he was coming directly too me. As he got within 50ft or so I could see he was fixed on something behind me, I turned just in time to see a bloke creeping up behind me. In a split second his face turned to fear and Saint launched passed me into his chest knocking him several feet. He then sprung onto his chest / snarling as if he was about to attack - I called him off and he looked at me as if to say "please", then came to heel. I was livid and so was saint, and this shifty bloke was terrified - He tried to apologise and mumble excuses and slowly backed away. I couldn't grab him because I was holding an agitated Saint who wanted an excuse to attack and he basically did a runner.
Afterwards it really played on my mind what the man was up to. He must have climbed a fence to sneak up behind me so god knows what it was about. Shifty as hell.
I asked about and apparently a number of men have been assaulted in that park - Wanstead park, London.
I told a police officer about the incident and he said I was very lucky. They have police officers frequently patrolling the park for this very reason.
For all I know he could have had a knife or whatever. He wasn't a particularly big or tough looking man and he looked like someone who would have received a beating from me anyway... but you just don't know, he could have been carrying something.. or clouted me from behind with something. I genuinely don't like to think what his motive was - the best case scenario I can think of is that he wanted to mug me.
Very dodgy.
On another occasion, living in the same area - my brother and I were attacked by a group of 5 men + My friend went and fetched Saint, who helped to send them on their way.
Annoyingly, the police caught them almost instantly, the whole thing was on CCTV, and there were several witnesses but the police chose to drop the case for lack of evidence. I could have pushed it further but chose not to. I had various bruising, and I still have a scar above my eye from where my face was split with a sovereign ring. I thought they were basically children at the time 16-18 years old max. But according to the police report they were all of adult age (18years plus). It was totally without provocation or warning, and the only reason I can think for the attack was that my brother looks like and is a soft touch and they thought we would be easy targets. Unfortunately for them I have studied Brazilian ju jitsu, kickboxing to competition level, thai boxing to competition level, Krav maga, and I box on a fairly regular basis (I have an amateur bout for charity in 5 weeks) ... Ive been into martial arts for 15 years now, and im a 15 stone man.... so I managed to hold them off just long enough + my brother wasn't harmed. If it wasn't for Saint / the police turning up so promptly they probably would have gotten the upper hand.
The area was Wanstead london - a very nice area, but unfortunately like all of london, it had not so nice area's nearby. I have now moved out into the Essex countryside - although I am happy that I can defend myself I wouldn't want such a thing to happen to my partner, Nicola.
The joy with Saint is that Nic can walk anywhere safely and I don't have to worry about her.
To be honest, I never thought Saint would ever actually need to defend me - but I have been very glad of him when he has.
... anyway - they are not pleasant stories, but they may be of some interest.
Post by helena on Sept 12, 2006 12:01:58 GMT
About the 6 sense for danger. My Natt,though problemdog she was,has a sort of "6 sense". I was going to town to meet a friend of mine,i took Natt with me,i always tried to take her to socilize her as much as i could. I met my friend at a cafe.There was about 7 people around the table.Natt never liked new people,but there was only one person she did not like.She growled at him as soon as he looked at her.She placed herself between us as to protect me from attack and kept a close watch on him the little time we were there. I did not know what was going on. He seemed such a nice person. I was later told by my friend that this guy used to use steroids (to bulid the body) and jused to beat his wife.And that he was a little schizo by nature. My dog had sensed this. Here you can see what Natt looed like. medlem.spray.se/boerboelsverige/index.html
Post by buliebuse on Sept 12, 2006 12:15:06 GMT
Hi Jon They're good stories - but frighteneing to be going through at the time no doubt. What was Oscar doing when Saint put that'creep' in his place ? Ju
Post by boerhunter77 on Sept 12, 2006 12:50:10 GMT
Oscar was totally oblivious & still off playing. Saint is always on guard, even if he runs off to play he wont go anywhere he cant watch you.
Its not so much that it was scary at the time with the first story - more scary afterwards when you try to think what he was up to.
RE: being attacked - I was very nervous, as I was protecting my brother.
Post by bulieboerboels on Sept 23, 2006 10:38:35 GMT
Hi Jonathan how is Oscar now?Any more protective instincts or just laid back?Regards Paul.